The Company Quality Policy History of the Coffee Quality Control Awards Curiosities

• The best coffee that exists in the world is the Brazilian one. Our coffee has excellent therapeutic qualities…

• Coffee is called Green Gold".
• Caffeine extracted from coffee grain is utilized in the process of most soft drinks, as well as medicinal application of analgesic pills.

• Few days after the Independence of Brazil, coffee was introduced as one of the nationality symbols by Decree on 9/28/1822. This is why it started to be shown in the Brazilian flag up to 1889, when the Republic changed the national pavilion. This rule reflects the relevance achieved by coffee.

• The most remarkable coffee historian in Brazil was Alfonso d' Escragnolle Taunay, author of History of Coffee in Brazil, in 15 volumes.

• Café Santa Fe was founded in 1954.

• Cafe Santa Fe is produced without the slightest contact manual.